Beautiful pics of A.J. Mendez and Africa Zavala feet & legs

AJ Almasi, born Andrea Almasi May 5, 1985 Hendersonville Tennessee is a American Model. Almasi was Briefcase Model No. 19 during the premiere week of NBC TV Game Show Deal or No Deal the show that aired in December 2005. AJ was born in Hendersonville Tennessee as an awkward "tomboy" who wore glasses and braces. AJ never imagined that such a thing was possible to do, but at the same she loves doing. Friends and family members said she was "bubbly" as well as she has a strong personality and that whatever dream she has for herself will be realized. Almasi was transformed by Los Angeles into a gorgeous model for glamor as she set out on a career of modeling as well as film-acting. Aj Almasi (born Andrea Almasi) was an actress best known for Deal or No Deal (2005), Bikini Destinations (2003) as well as The Late Late Show featuring Craig Ferguson (2005). Deal or No Deal 2005, Bikini Locations (2003), The Late Late Show, with Craig Ferguson and The Late Late Show Aj Almasi is her acting profession. The actress was a part of Briefcase AJ and focuses her energy on advancing in the fashion and film industries in L.A.

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